Through support and connection, I help students rise to meet the challenges of today’s, often overwhelming world.

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The Power in Connection

Our coaching sessions begin with connection, not direction. I provide a lifeline for students who feel that they are sinking by creating a safe, comfortable learning space that they enjoy coming to each week.

The greatest impact on a student’s learning comes from the people around them, those tasked with holding them up. So, whether they are working through the challenges of ADHD or balancing a hectic student-athlete schedule, it starts with building a connection.

More Than a Tutor

My holistic approach to learning goes beyond the curriculum. It’s not just about helping students with missing assignments; it’s about finding out why those assignments were missing in the first place and creating tools to prevent it from happening again.

To make our time together as effective as possible, I spend time outside of our sessions each week planning and strategizing for our next session and sending check-ins and reminders to students. I also take time to communicate with teachers and parents to ensure your student is getting the support they need to be successful.

As a result, students are often able to correct course at a faster rate when compared to traditional tutoring.

Overcoming Impacts of Covid 19

Students have faced unprecedented disruptions due to Covid-19, both at home and at school. I provide comfort for students and parents by addressing the educational effects and creating strategies to manage them.

In our safe, online sessions, students will develop the skills to overcome the stress and anxiety of today and the confidence to handle the challenges of tomorrow.

Excelling Online

The key to your students' success, whether online or in-person, is connection. Personalizing for each student allows me to offer weekly, online sessions that your student will want to show up to.

My approach to online coaching is effective and accessible for all learners

I offer flexible, commute-free scheduling to help lighten your load. Online sessions allow you to avoid rush-hour and make the most of your busy day.

Parent Testimonials

Awesome, Energetic, Committed, Caring, Passionate.
Really what more could a parent want for their child than to have an educator like Kira Spence?
— Shelley Keane
With Kira you get a bit of everything. She is not just a tutor.
The trust she developed with my son was truly amazing!
— Jenn Giles
She has a gift of being able to make a connection with her students
and becoming not only an academic teacher but a life coach to them.
— J. Raptis
Christa always came home with positive things to say about Kira.
She told me that more than any other teacher she had,
Ms. Spence had prepared her for high school and more independent learning.
— Nola Peacock, Bestselling Author, Inspirational Speaker